Your Smithtown weather forecast for Wednesday, Dec 7 - Sunday, Dec 11
Smithtown is now experiencing temperatures in the mid 50s. As the week goes, it will get cooler and we'll be getting some rain all throughout the weekend.
Weather outlook for Wednesday, Dec 7 - Sunday, Dec 11
Wednesday December 7
Rain until evening.
High: 56° Low: 48° with a 100% chance of rain with 9 mph winds from the S.
Thursday December 8
Partly cloudy throughout the day.
High: 53° Low: 39° with a 11% chance of rain with 11 mph winds from the NNW.
Friday December 9
Light rain starting in the afternoon.
High: 49° Low: 39° with a 77% chance of rain with 14 mph winds from the NE.
Saturday December 10
Light rain in the morning and afternoon.
High: 46° Low: 39° with a 91% chance of rain with 16 mph winds from the NE.
Sunday December 11
Rain throughout the day.
High: 45° Low: 36° with a 94% chance of rain with 18 mph winds from the ENE.
There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.