
I have written about this before in my column.

Our enemies, who I refer to as the Core Four, China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea, are the ones that are causing so much disruption in our country. They are funding our own Americans to shoot into crowds randomly, attempt assassinations, randomly attack individuals, and cause fear and trepidation all over America. This is a full-blown concerted effort by the Core Four. We must remain vigilant and strong together as a people.

In the case of Russia, ever since the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, they have tried covertly to upend our democracy. There are thousands and thousands of Russian operatives working right now in our country to disrupt it. You could never underestimate what the SVR and FSB are capable of. We may have the most significant military force in the world, but Russia has the most extensive Library for psychological warfare and manipulation. The United States presents an elementary Study for the Russians. As for China, Iran, and North Korea, they are latecomers in this covert war against us. Nevertheless, they are doing their part physically, socially, and technologically.

All Americans, whatever their political affiliation, must remain friends, associates, and loyal citizens with one goal in mind: to eliminate the Core Four from dividing us and destroying our country. I firmly stand by what I have just written. Please always keep it in mind.

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