
So our president has committed crimes with virtually no consequences. What a great example for our children! In life, every decision, every action, and every event carries a consequence. Don’t you agree? Some consequences are immediate and visible, while others take time to unfold, often revealing themselves in unexpected ways. Not punishing a felony crime can lead to a range of serious consequences. It encourages repeat criminal behavior. This can erode public trust in the justice system. Victims may feel their suffering is dismissed. Not punishing crimes also damages social norms, undermining the values that hold society together. We should all know that! Additionally, it sets a bad legal precedent, where future offenders might expect leniency. This past week or so, we have all witnessed our “Rule of Law” society crumble a bit. How far will we let it go?
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 52 and low of 33 degrees. Overcast in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon, overcast in the evening,