
In this world, significant challenges exist, but the world does have a capacity for resilience, innovation, and cooperation. The survival and well-being of the planet and humanity in the next 50 years will largely depend on the actions taken today. Efforts to stop nuclear proliferation, promote sustainability, and global cooperation will be crucial in ensuring a positive future. How can we assist in this effort? Let us start by lowering the hostility toward each other. Hostility is not going to work unless you want to see misery and death at your doorstep and on your TV screen. What will it take to understand that we are all neighbors in this thing called “Humanity” together?

Approximately 400-750 million people have been killed because of war. How about another 40-60 million due to genocide? It stands to reason why recent generations from all over the world don’t want children. Is there an outside force causing us to be hostile toward one another? How about a Water and Food Summit? Have all the fortunate nations contribute their sciences in order to supply the starving with sustenance to survive and prosper?

Musk wants to go to Mars while children are dying of starvation right here on Earth. We need to focus on resolving the problems in Africa, religious leaders must exercise their influence and wealth to resolve the problems in the Middle East, and the great countries of China and India should join with the US and peacefully allow the people and countries of East and Southeast Asia to prosper. Hopefully, maybe Russia would get the message and be content with what it has! Do you want your children and grandchildren living on Mars?? JG

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