
What candidates should the Democrats choose to go against Donald Trump? The sooner President Biden decides not to campaign again the better. Look at the records of Joshua Shapiro from Pennsylvania as a presidential candidate and Gretchen Whitmer from Michigan as his running mate. They would be a formidable adversary for the Republican candidate and his vice presidential choice. It would be a very strong ticket for the Democrats. We will be saving democracy for another four years. Donald Trump's constituency claims they had four glorious years when he was president and they want four more. He will never step down from the presidency if he wins again. That will be the end of democracy as we know it. I certainly don’t want that for the future of this country.

For example, Mexico practically dismantled its democratic electoral process. The president of Mexico, Andre Manuel Lopez Obrador, has already picked a successor and she will be a figurehead. AMLO put into place all of his cronies and they will follow his every order. That is a dictatorship. Donald Trump will do the same thing if he has four more years in the White House. He is already prepared to move back in with his minions all lined up. I believe the two Democratic candidates I mentioned can stabilize our country again. Let the discussions begin.

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