
Thinking and doing are hard. Judging is easy. You, me, we have to do much more thinking and doing to save our children, the country, and the world. It has to start NOW! Nuclear proliferation, climate change, starvation, addictions, religious wars, discrimination, narcissism, etc., etc. I realize that people read the Bible, the Quran, and the Tanakh for guidance but do not realize that all the answers are within themselves. You, me, we are the ones that have to change things. We can't just sit around and judge everything that we see on social media, etc., and think all this destruction or should I say self-destruction is going to go away. I do believe we are born with an element of the “devil” within us for the sake of a better word and that it's up to us to think and do, that is the only way to save this planet. Deep thought, and faith in compromise, whether it be with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, or the rest of the gang that wants us destroyed. Do you see the end of time coming, like I do? Are the “infidels” in all their various forms seeing the end coming? Without compromise, the “devil” within us will win.