Weekly Streaming Recap: Week of December 2nd, 2022


The Santa Clauses Episode 4 (Disney+): The longer the show goes on, the worse it gets. The show is in this weird spot where it both meanders from plot point to plot point while also feeling like it is rushing along. The cliffhanger is poorly executed since it is not exactly a secret who it is that is going to visit Scott. Basically, everything with Scott’s kids is ridiculous and the screentime would have been better served following his wife, who brings up the valid point about Mrs. Claus being a non-entity when compared to her husband, however the show proves her point at every opportunity by showing Scott ordering coffee instead of exploring what she’s doing to reassert herself. It’s trying to have its cake and eat it too and doing it poorly.

Willow Episodes 1 and 2 (Disney+): Willow
probably will work for someone who has the cultural touchstones that go along with the original movie from the late-1980s, however without the nostalgia, it is just another slow-moving fantasy slog. The characters are endearing at least and there are some fun moments with magic and worldbuilding that make the show somewhat fun to watch. It’s not necessarily a bad show, but there is definitely room for improvement, such as maybe clearing up the goals quicker. That said, since Lucasfilm is working with Erin Kellyman again, could there be a return for Enfys Nest at some point in the future? Maybe that’s just wishful thinking with the arrival of Star Wars: Revelations #1 a few weeks back.

Titans Season 4 Midseason Finale (HBOMax): With Doom Patrol taking over the Thursday slot from this week on, Titans wraps up with the arrival of Raven’s white costume which is cool, however it is not enough to really save this season of the show. The occult stuff really does not hit its mark, could have been better executed, and the stakes could have been clearer, however the show still has its entertaining moments since the cast is so endearing.

Bullet Train (Netflix): Bullet Train may be a very “style over substance” movie, it is entertaining to say the least. The cast plays well with each other, the comedy aspects land, and the production value is fantastic. For a full review, click here.

Bros (Peacock): As a rom-com, Bros feels like all the rest, however the fact that both characters feel like normal people and not caricatures feels like a triumph. There are some weird edits in the movie and there are some ADR issues, however the movie is still a perfectly serviceable somewhat-holiday romantic comedy that is worth checking out. For a full review, click here.

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