Look Left, Look Right, Step Up by The Gent


I stopped the car in the middle of the road last week. It was a mother and father goose crossing the road with 10 goslings trailing behind. A very cute site. The week prior much to my misfortune a mother raccoon and 3 baby kits decided to call the basement of my office their temporary home. A thousand plus dollars later, they were evicted !! Yesterday, I saw sparrows chancing away a Red Tail Hawk from their nest. A mother rabbit, all puffy, has been roaming around my front yard. It’s about to give birth to its own kittens. (Yes, little bunnies are called kittens, who would have thought!) Flowers are blooming, and the grass and shrubs are emerald green. Beautiful Dogwoods and Magnolias are in bloom. A new beginning for the earth and its many facets are in motion. Where are we going as a “Human Race?” Killing children and teachers in schools. Raping and murdering innocent people in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Haiti, Yemen, Sudan, and other parts of Africa and the Middle East. Drug Cartels taking over large parts of several countries, addicting people every day. I could go on and on but it hurts my soul too much. Are we going to turn ourselves around? It seems like the rest of the earth knows what to do. We are not that dumb a species, are we?

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