Look Left, Look Right, Step Forward by The Gent


The Educational System in America must drastically change. Curriculums must be reconstructed. Standardized assessments are obsolete. Who will take the forefront? Will it be Charter Schools, Exclusivity Schools, Public Schools? Our trusty iPhones give us 99% of correct answers in a nanosecond. The Public Educational System is miserably falling behind. Our children are maturing at a much earlier rate. The new curriculum must be advanced sequentially by separate age classes (always with physical health in mind).  Series I, ages 3, 4, 5, and 6. Their curriculum should be ABCs and 1,2,3s, etc., languages, physical training, music, socialization ( etiquette, grooming, problem solving.) Series II, ages 7,8,9,10 languages, anatomy, social ethics, (also w/computers and AI), coding, geography, beginner STEM science, critical thinking. Series III, ages 11,12,13,14 languages, U.S. history, domestic living, financial planning (investment, savings, etc.) more critical thinking, sex education, health. Series IV, ages 15,16,17,18 Civic pride for country ( 2 yrs. military service or public service), humanity, careers. A need for Higher Education should be established within the student by the end of Series IV with a series of career assessment tests. They should be directed toward productivity that they enjoy without an emphasis on traditional learning. Series V & VI, ages 19,20,21,22,23 should be free education with an emphasis on STEM, vocational positions, travel, thoughtful expression. The “Cyborg World" that has arrived will bring on many challenges to traditional education and ethical thought. There must NOW be established new rules and regulations for the future to meet our rapidly changing world. Please share your ideas. 

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