Look Left, Look Right, Step Forward by The Gent


We are about to approach 2022, an election year. There is underlying tensions all around us. If “Red” and “Blue” don’t try and blend together, I am afraid we are in for some very rough times. The extreme “Right” and the extreme “Left” must start walking toward one another with compromise, peace and love for our country in their hearts. Give a little, take a little, it is not that hard. I just watched a movie called, ‘The Siege’ (1998) with Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis and Annette Bening. I urge you to see it. Then ask yourself, “Is this how you want NYC too look like in the future?” Soldiers on our streets, fear, misery and sadness everywhere!

My New Year’s Resolution is to warn my friends and loved ones. The answer is not F**k You, it is Love You. Let us all give it a try. As the song says, “Only 'Love' can conquer 'Hate.'” All The Best for the Coming Year. JG

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