Look Left, Look Right, Step Forward. by The Gent


Non-citizens should not be able to vote. If there is one thing that I have learned in over a half century of working with immigrants from all over the world is that a very large majority of them who do not become American Citizens have, one “foot” in the United States and one “foot” in their native country. They have the privilege of living in the greatest country in the world. They, for the most part, are granted permanent residence in the United States in order to live here. It only stands to reason that they should pay taxes. I would take it one step further. If they do not become U.S. citizens within seven years of arriving here in the United States they should be charged a substantial surtax on their salaries. It seems that the only way to get to most people is through their “pocketbooks.” When you allow immigrants to remain here with no loyalties to our great country there is much abuse of our system. If they break the law or we need them to serve our country, they simply return to their native country without repercussion. We must remain one country, one peoples, one cause. That cause should always be Unity.

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