A Democrat is in the highest office of the land. Now, we have gas and food prices going up, inflation is getting worse, no good legislation is being passed, our infrastructure is decaying, neighbors hate neighbors, agenda driven minorities are trying to get their piece of an already shrinking pie.
What can be done?
I will say this, “ People bleed because they want a good life with liberty and a chance to pursue happiness.”
We don’t need divided countries with new separate Declarations of Independence. The vast majority of our citizens are safe. We have a strong military and police presence. Most of us have all the necessities of a decent life. If they want more, they can work harder, go back to school or start their own business. That is America. Technology has made our world change at an extremely rapid pace. Cultural norms are being challenged. It doesn’t mean your life is being challenged. It doesn’t mean you have to hate. This is a vast and diverse country. It should ONLY mean more discussion and compromise not domestic terrorism.
Republicans, Democrats and Independents must work together “color blind” to educate the population with ads, events, financial incentives, etc. in convincing them that democracy only works when the ultimate goal is to work as a team to better the majority, not everyone. The candidates we vote into office must demonstrate civility, empathy, kindness, compromise, safety for all, etc. EVERY CITIZEN deserves the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.