How about your opponent scoring an eagle/net albatross on the fourth hole during your match. That is just what Mike Saidens did against Crab Meadow Golf Club at their home course this past Sunday, October 10th. SLMGA soundly beat Crab Meadow 20.5 to 6.5 in the Interclub match. Mike and his partner Tom Elliot were one of the two man teams that earned all three points. Both teams got together after the contest at Crab Meadow for a fun-filled barbecue. It was a great time had by all. Incidentally, since last press release, Tom Elliot and Guy Allen had moved on to the 3rd round in the MGA/NET Tournament. Good luck to them as they move forward. Coming up is the 123 Best Ball Tourney and stay tuned for some exciting news concerning the SLMGA Cup.