Leaving Afghanistan !!


We are finally leaving that “god forsaken” country. Our “spineless” politicians finally allowed President Biden to withdraw all troops. What a total catastrophe! Instead of emphasizing just educating the women of their country, we should have first educated their men. It was very obvious to me that the men of Afghanistan played us like a ‘well-worn” violin. Their army was being paid by us to be trained to fight the Taliban. Meanwhile, they secretly sided with them concerning how their society should be run. In their mind the women are second class citizens that should be kept in their place among other archaic edicts. They looted, confused and abused us. Why didn’t our “Top-Brass’ see that? In one week, 300,000 Afghan troops, well trained for over 15 years by the greatest military ever assembled, surrendered. How many companies, organizations, leaders and individuals made billions of dollars from this fiasco? Some of our military leaders should lose their rank and be court-martialed, some corporate presidents should be fined and go to jail, many politicians should be thrown out of office. What the ‘Hell’ went on over there for 20 years!!!! Our strong, powerful, young military men were exposed to total BS. How many lost their lives, for nothing? How many families were broken up, for nothing? How many suicides? How many PTSD victims? There should be Congressional Hearings and ‘Heads Should Roll.‘

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