Look Left, Look Right, Step Forward by The Gent


Whether the group is White Supremacists, BLM, QAnon, Antifa, Far-Right Extremist, Proud Boys, Boogaloo or any other. The violent arm of these groups are all being financed by money coming from abroad.

Countries like Russia, China, N. Korea and Iran are trying to take our freedom from us. You do not see any NRA groups or NOW groups or LGBTQ groups or ZOA groups or NAACP groups or AARP groups or AMA groups or IBT groups, FOX or CNN in those countries. There, you succumb to repression or go to jail. They want to divide, conquer and destroy our way of life. We have our differences but we must stick together. I will defend my relatives, neighbors and friends against all enemies foreign or domestic. Respect, Honor and Love each and every American.

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