Look Left, Look Right, Step Forward by Jerry Gentile


Women are the "glue" that keeps society together. They are the "lifeblood" of the family. The vast majority of women are stronger on the inside while the vast majority of men are stronger on the outside. We can breakdown our society by using the example of the atom. It contains an electron, proton and a neutron. It is the building block of life. When you split the atom all kinds of bad things happen. Family is the most important part of our society. There can be all kinds of variations but it remains the building block of our society. Millions of mostly men have died in wars fighting to defend their families in the past. It was mostly men that have built roads, bridges, skyscrapers, automobiles, all kinds of machinery, plowed our fields and on and on. We got lost along the way. We hide a lot of our angst. We took advantage of women because they were strong enough to put up with us while also caring for our children and homes. Now it is time for them to "spread their wings".

But, when the axis of the family is weakened or destroyed all kinds of chaos occurs. Clouds of destruction in many forms follow. Like a camera not having enough shutter speed to keep up with an action. Things get blurry. That is what is happening with our society. Society can not keep up with what technology is presenting to us. Life is like a blur.

The family unit must stay together to keep our society strong. Let us all hope that women and their inner strength will keep this "crazy world" from destroying itself.  JG

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