
Cloudy all day with a high of 85 and low of 70.
Mostly cloudy skies with a high of 85 and low of 71.
Rain to cloudy skies with a high of 82 and low of 72. Rain is expected in the early morning with cloudy skies throughout the rest of the day.
Cloudy skies with a chance of light rain all day with a high of 84 and low of 72.
Cloudy and partly cloudy skies with a high of 82 and low of 70. Cloudy skies will cover the early morning and clear up for the rest of the day.
There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.
Overcast , with a high of 45 and low of 42 degrees. Overcast for the morning, fog in the afternoon and evening, overcast overnight.