National Superhero Day 2024


The Avengers. X-Men. Guardians of the Galaxy. Justice League. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These are all superheroes that need celebrating today because it’s National Superhero Day.

On April 28, 1995, this national day was created by Marvel Comics. Because of that, today we celebrate heroes that we look up to. It could be a caped crusader, the god of thunder, a master sorcerer or a masked vigilante.

Fun Fact: The first superhero ever created was called Phantom in 1936. He started with his own comic strip in a U.S. newspaper. This was the first known beginnings of a published superhero and, today, there are hundreds of well-known heroes that everyone loves, according to National Today.

Here are ways to observe this day:

  • Throw a cosplay party inspired by your favorite superheroes.
  • Host a superhero movie marathon with your favorite franchise. (MCU, X-Men, Batman, etc.)
  • Binge watch your favorite superhero series.
  • Honor real life heroes for all the work they do. (Doctors, firefighters, police officers, etc.)

How will you celebrate this day? Happy National Superhero Day! Excelsior!  

Featured Image via Geeks

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