
These past few weeks, I was privileged to assist a close friend of mine in relocating back to the United States from Europe. To say the least, it was quite an eye-opener. From filling out applications and downloading photos and identification documents, you could not imagine how difficult it was, even with him being a United States Citizen. He stayed with me which deferred having to pay for temporary housing.

The first obstacle was to renew his NYS license. His license had no blemishes overseas or in the U.S. The DMV would not accept an exchange of his foreign license which meant he would start from scratch, again! He had to take the Learners Permit, a 5-hour driving course, and apply for a new driver’s test.

A second obstacle is trying to find a decent car for under $15,000. He has been out of the country for over 7 years, so he had no credit rating. He had no roots in the United States and was not employed. Because he is starting all over again the insurance companies demanded he go under the Assisigned Risk Program which astronomically raised his premium payments. That brings us to a third obstacle, living conditions, those same requirements for buying a car and insurance applied to finding a clean, livable apartment for $2000 or less on Long Island. Landlords were offering a 200 sq. ft. “apartment” for $1800. It was quite a surprise to see what people are offering as living conditions.

The fourth obstacle was looking for employment. There are many available, the task was to find the best position for an older gentleman, who would like a comfortable job with a decent wage and benefits.

All the obstacles were overcome but not with a lot of disappointment, confusion, surprise, travel, laughs, and relief. I have to admit, it made me appreciate, much more, what we all take for granted every day.

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