
The South American countries (the Drug Enforcement Administration knows who they are), the Mexican Cartel, Russia, China, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries, don’t forget the pharmaceutical companies are all “in bed” together and have done an excellent job of polluting the United States population, both children and adults, with enough drugs that have totally distorted the common sense reasoning that is necessary for decision making to keep a great country flourishing. I don’t hear, see, or read enough common sense to fill a single sticker notepad.

Decision after decision by our government leaders, the legal system, the educational system, and Wall Street have practically brought this country to its knees. Look around you, are you happy for the future of your children? It’s all a giant sh@t show! We have flipped upside down. Materialism and hedonism outshine decency, ethics, honor, kindness, and good reasoning. We should be at WAR with all of these sc@mbags that are destroying our children and country. Of course, reasonably assist the countries struggling for a free society but let us fight the countries that are our IMMEDIATE ENEMIES. We are losing over 100,000 people per year to drug overdoses. What about the families and individuals who have been terribly wounded by this scourge every day? Are there a few good men and women still willing to stand up and fight for their families and country? I am not sure there are enough! Am I crazy, but how about billions of dollars going into Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid first so they don’t dry up before rendering aid to everyone else? That seems like a reasonable idea!

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