Happy National Apple Day


Eating healthy is definitely important! However some foods aren’t as appealing despite the health qualities. Today we celebrate the fruit that keeps the doctor away…the apple.

Though the initial meaning of the holiday has been somewhat forgotten, apple-lovers everywhere still enthusiastically use the holiday as a chance to rave about their love for the more than 7,500 different varieties of apple grown across the globe! The history of apples begins in 1607 when colonists arrive at Jamestown with European apple seeding. After that they started to plant and grow their own apples, according to National Today.

The legacy of apples grew with Johnny Eastman a.k.a. Johnny Appleseed. He traveled through the Midwest in an effort to plant apple trees and educate farmers on proper apple crop care. Apples then became a phrase, a nickname and a multinational technology company.

Here are few ways to observe this national holiday:

  • Eat a new type of apple.
  • Share apple recipes on social media with a hashtag #NationalAppleDay.
  • Make your own apple creation.
  • Plant an apple tree in your yard.

Apples have done plenty of good in the world, how will you celebrate? Happy National Apple Day!

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