
One asks oneself, “How could it (The Holocaust) ever have happened?”

This is an excerpt from Prosecutor Gideon Hausner during the Adolf Eichmann trial, on April 2, 1961. “Murder was committed here as a matter of daily routine. After every blood bath, the murderers would eat a hearty meal and have a smoke and chat. And then they were ready for the next group of victims, who had meanwhile been placed in line… The people who had got off the trucks—men, women, and children of all ages—- had to undress upon order of the SS man who carried a dog whip… Without screaming or weeping, these people undressed, stood around in family groups, kissed each other, said their farewells, and waited to be marched to a pit.”

There were thousands of horrific scenes that took place like this one during the Holocaust. You would certainly tear up if you read about them. I picked this excerpt and cried. It is mild compared to the other descriptions of the horrific events.

The world NOW can see in 2023 it can happen again! Hamas, after all the BS since 1987, Hamas always wanted the complete destruction and annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people. These savages committed the same horrific atrocities that happened some 80 or so years ago. Did it take this latest slaughter to convince the world? How pathetic are our leaders? The complete “cancer” called Hamas must be taken out and razed to the ground. Barbarianism in any part of the world must be eradicated. God bless all the people of the world who are living through or died from these catastrophic events. Especially, God bless Gita Shorr who just passed and was a survivor of the Holocaust.

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