Town Supervisor Recognizes SBMC Division of Middle Country Children's Soccer


Smithtown Town Supervisor Edward Wehrheim had the privilege of congratulating the Middle Country Children’s Soccer SBMC Team for their rank as Number One in the U.S.

The team and their coaches have attended the Town Board Meeting at Patrick R. Vecchio Town Hall in Smithtown. Supervisor Wehrheim and the town council have recognized and delivered a proclamation for their accomplishment. 

SBMC have taken the first place title during several tournaments such as the 2023 Jefferson Cup and the 2023 U.S.W.S Regional Showcase.

“You are so proud of what you accomplished as a team,” Supervisor Wehrheim said. “You are a shining example of young people and also people as well. The life sills you learned on the field as a team will undoubtedly pave the way the opportunities for you.”

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