Look Left, Look Right, Step Up by the Gent


So take a billionaire like Mark Cuban. Let us say he has 100 employees working for him regularly in his executive offices. How about if he offered every one of them a $1,000,000 bonus after 10 years of service? He places it in an escrow account and tells them they can withdraw only $50,000 per year and if they resign (except for medical reasons) at any time between 10 to 20 years the bonus would be withdrawn. If they stay with him for another 10 years, at the 20-year mark, they would get another bonus of $1,000,000. What would it actually cost Mr. Cuban? (You can throw in assisting with psychological needs also.) With my hesitant math after 20 years and all the employees staying (why not) it would cost him $200,000,000. (aside from interest accumulated on both sides and tax write-offs). He is estimated to be worth 4.6 billion dollars. It would be a “drop in the bucket” for him. Now let’s have all 607 American multi-billionaires be on the same page. That would make 60,700 employees millionaires that would trickle down to family, friends, and neighborhoods. THAT would be a generous gesture! Yes, I was counting their obscene amount of money. There are many other variations that could be favored like helping the hungry, old aged, animals, etc. The economic balance sheet in 2023 concerning the world order is terribly skewed.

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