Look Left, Look Right, Step Up by the Gent


Allow me to challenge you. I have mentioned the country and the world should consider themselves a family of “Mother Earth.”I would like to expand on this premise. Let us break it down into its simplest terms.

You have a traditional family with a Mom and a Dad and for argument's sake three children. Mom and Dad are strong productive people. They want their offspring to achieve greater success than they have. They want the children to live better in every way. I hope you assume the same for your family. Of course, you want them to be healthy and happy. To keep the family strong and successful, you must provide the necessary tools to succeed.

But, one child is challenged with dyslexia or some medical challenge, the other child has a talent in the Arts and the third child was an excellent student. How do you handle this family dynamic? Yes, I hear you. You try and care for each child equally. You give them each the resources they need to be their best. You give the child with a physical or mental problem the educational and health tools needed. The artistic child should be allowed the opportunity to explore his or her unique talent and the bright child should receive all the resources and schooling to reach his or her potential. That should be the logical and sincere goals for your children.

Now, let’s think “Grand Scale.” Put those same premises to the “World Family Order.” Our World is shrinking. We are getting closer and closer to one another, ie. the internet, iPhone, inexpensive travel, etc. If you neglect any “Family” member, the repercussions will come back to haunt you in the future in an extremely negative way. Ignoring just one part of the “Family” dynamic will cause conflict, depression, grief, and even break up. All of us worldwide, especially our leaders, must believe that if we don’t attend to all aspects of this “World Family” the consequences will be catastrophic for ‘Mother Earth.’

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