Your Smithtown weather forecast for Wednesday, Jan 18 - Sunday, Jan 22


Smithtown is getting some cooler temperatures.  Along with that, there will be some cloudy skies and rain in the coming week.  When you step outside take a jacket and an umbrella.  

Weather outlook for Wednesday, Jan 18 - Sunday, Jan 22

Wednesday January 18

Mostly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 48° Low: 36° with a 12% chance of rain with 12 mph winds from the W.

Thursday January 19

Rain throughout the day.

High: 44° Low: 38° with a 98% chance of rain with 8 mph winds from the NE.

Friday January 20

Mostly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 44° Low: 34° with a 69% chance of rain with 10 mph winds from the NNW.

Saturday January 21

Mostly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 39° Low: 32° with a 21% chance of rain with 5 mph winds from the NNW.

Sunday January 22

Light rain in the evening and overnight.

High: 44° Low: 34° with a 83% chance of rain with 9 mph winds from the SSW.

There you have it! For more details, check out our weekly weather forecast.

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