Look Left, Look Right, Step Up by the Gent


Why can’t Congress get it right and compromise? 

The Republican Party wants to be conservative yet wants economic freedom. That is not possible. The human condition is such that if you see a chance to abuse the economic system and get greedy you will. The Republicans want low taxes but a strong military. Today you need billions of dollars to keep up with the military machine. Republicans want to build walls but need immigrants to run their businesses. They believe in equal rights for women but are against women making birthright decisions on their own. Republicans want God around but want him to turn a blind eye when they want, what they want, or are abusing the system.

The Democratic Party wants a larger government yet they want more freedom. With a large government, you get restricted freedoms. They want to raise taxes without controlling their runaway debt. On top of that, they want to add and expand social programs. Democrats want to allow immigrants to cross our borders but have poor programs to assimilate them. They want to cater to single agenda groups but isolate most of the population by doing so. The Democrats are not quite sure there is a God but if there is, hopefully, he or she can print lots more money to spend.

There is one special observation that appears obvious to me. Most of the population living in cities vote for the Democrats. Most of the population living in the suburbs and rural areas vote for the Republicans.

It is obvious, in the city you want more government to control the mass population living in "close quarters" and if you live outside crowded populations you want less interference by the government. It doesn’t seem that complicated. We can still connect most of the dots and have a peaceful country if we work together. As the old saying goes, “One hand should wash the other.”

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I want to sit in the middle of the boat. So do you. I want you to do all the rowing. You want me to do all the rowing. What is missing from the discussion is that we are in the same boat and we need each other to get to the shore. By way of poor or nonexistent parenting and horrible teachers, the people in the boat think they will get to the shore by taking over the boat and throwing the other side overboard. If we were convinced that we both need the boat to be waterproof and need each other to share the rowing, we’ll make it. If we think we can throw the other side overboard and own the boat and make it to the shore, we are sadly mistaken. We will sink and get eaten by the sharks. We need the “melting pot” philosophy to return. Diversity is killing us. Too much energy on the rights of the individual and not enough on the country. One team, one people, one country, one set of goals. If your group is shortchanged for the better of the country, too bad!! The political parties and the media that make money off of them are the lowest forms of scum. They are fostering our divisions because it keeps them in business. It’s not complicated. Low taxes, low regulations, big investment in education, big investment in innovation(in the form of military and infrastructure support), very strong, open, and selective immigration system. The rest takes care of itself. Two categories are Republican, two are Democrat, and one is neutral. Look back at the last 100 years. Certain things work, and others don’t. It's not that complicated. MDM

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