Look Left, Look Right, Step Up by The Gent


Another school year has passed. How many students have graduated from high school and are still unsure of their future? How many graduates still can not write a coherent essay? How many students will take out student loans that will haunt them for a good portion of their lives? Our educational system has been a victim of the “Peter Principle.” It has completely risen to the level of its incompetence.” Assessment evaluations of students and subsequent curriculums are at times misdirected, they do not allow teachers to teach but only focus on what is on assessment tests. The pressures placed on teachers are enormous and not necessary. Now, exorbitant amounts of money are spent on specialists that are taking on the responsibility of parenting. It is disgraceful. Our educational system compared to other industrialized countries ranks extremely low. Many children do not respect our parenting, educational system, our elderly, or our country's history. The education of children must start when they are very young by their parents. Values such as manners, respect, honesty, learning, hard work, and Patriotism must be taught in their curriculum starting from birth to pre-kindergarten and beyond. Will they celebrate the 4th of July in the future? A lot of you see it. What is going on? Why can’t some of the older values of education which truly can not be challenged, be the pillars of our educational system, not misguided assessments and curriculums? The “gray areas” in education such as our history must be left for the teachers to educate the students to evaluate, assess, deduct and come to their own conclusions. Politics is not only destroying the social, religious, and judicial systems but also our precious educational system in this country.

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