Look Right, Look Left, Step Forward by The Gent


 Reparations should not be pushed. It is a (Pandora's Box). How about, we give reparations to all the families whose fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters who came back from the wars fighting for our freedoms with PTSD but were too "embarrassed", in that era, to say anything? Most were never the same after the war! How about the interned Japanese or the abused Indians. Today, our country would look like a "foreign country" during slavery, manifest destiny or during the Civil War, Spanish American War, WWI & WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War etc. We must look forward not backward.

The Black leaders have to work with all of us and should not fall into the "Russian Traps". `Defund the Police` is part of "Russian Rhetoric" to divide us. There are a few "bad apples" in law enforcement, they will be dealt with. We need a strong police force that is paid a good `hazardous duty` wage. Reparations, Defund the Police, Systemic Racism are all trigger phrases to divide and destroy our democracy.  E Pluribus Unum

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